The road transport department (JPJ) has filed a police report over a post made on Facebook by a user claiming that a physical road tax (lesen kenderaan motor, or LKM) is still mandatory.

In the post, the person stated that the claim of a physical LKM no longer being necessary was a lie, and that a physical copy was needed. The post went viral, prompting the department to take action.

In a statement, the department clarified that the statement made in the post was untrue and was misleading the public. It said that a police report was made in Putrajaya so that an investigation can be carried out against the owner of the Facebook account involved. It added this was being done to prevent the sharing of incorrect and misleading statements in the future.

On February 10, transport minister Anthony Loke announced the switch to digital for the road tax as well as the driving licence, and as such, it was no longer mandatory to display the road tax sticker on a vehicle, as all related JPJ-issued documents were now in the system.

Loke said the switch to digital licences would save JPJ RM96 million a year in printing costs, and the move would also reduce traffic in JPJ offices by around 80%, allowing for other transactions to be carried out in quicker fashion.

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