The new models appear on the market like mushrooms after rain. Leading car manufacturers are offering vehicles filling virtually every market niche. Although it is hard to catch in all this, with such a diversity of customers have more choice, and the motor is even more interesting.

Recently, especially in this area are characterized by German manufacturers and there is no indication that this will change. BMW X4 is preparing an interesting model that is representative of a segment of small sport SUV.

This Bavarian answer to the Porsche plans associated with the introduction of a smaller sibling Cayenne `s, the model Macan. Apparently, BMW found that the X3 can not cope with a sporty Porsche SUV.

BMW X4 will be a cheaper and smaller alternative for people who can not afford or do not need such a big car like X6. This does not mean, however, that the X4 will be less luxurious and exciting. All indications are that BMW will create a really interesting car.

So far we do not know the technical details. We only know that the X4 will debut no earlier than in 2014. Bavarians are already planning a strong, sporty variant of M, which should be around 400 hp. It seems that Audi, Mercedes and Porsche should fear.




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