You know those awful Fieros with a fiberglass “Ferrari”
body on top, proudly brought to the local car show by a strange
individual?  I thought those Fieros taught
us that, no matter how hard you try, you can’t make a Ferrari from a
Fiero.  Yet, it seems, en masse, you all
think you can make a woman from a man (or vice-versa).  Let me set the record straight here.  A Fiero can never be a Ferrari… and the human
body is much more complex than a car.

There, I’ve solved a significant portion of our society’s confusion.

I have to write these things now because shortly some green-haired
Fiero-Ferrari in San Francisco is going to ban me from the internet.  Freedom, in America, is almost gone.  If the green-hair in San Francisco doesn’t
get me, they’ll get some pink-hair in Portland to say “I think that guy pushed
me next to a Planned Parenthood”, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
will raid my home with 10 guys and put me in jail.

What’s worse, some of you will read the above thinking I’m
being crazy… but you’re not aware that the above two things are already
happening.  Research shadow banning (for
examples of the left deplatforming conservatives) and Mark Houck (for the FBI
raiding the home of a guy that pushed a liberal next to a Planned Parenthood).

If you don’t know, the Media Cartel Bill, and other
associated pushes like it, are simply to ban any message the mainstream media
doesn’t like.  These ideas are marching
along in the U.S. and Europe, Europe already having enacted some of these laws
(see the EU Digital Services Act; especially their language regarding “disinformation”). 

I could probably be arrested for my first paragraph in the
U.K., and some other European states, that have banned online “hate”, as
defined by them (search Caroline Farrow, a pastor’s wife who was arrested in
the U.K. for similar online statements).

So, in these last gasps of freedom, I’m going to try and
interject some truths in my writing for my great-great-grandchild to read; in
this piece you will find odd interjections that seem political and oddly out of
place and you’ll know why.  I have to do
it now, before they put me through my Maoist “struggle sessions” (look it up)
before interring me in the re-education camp.

Don’t worry grandkids, I’ll die in the re-education camp
before changing.  I’ll be writing stuff
like this on the toilet paper. I will never accept that a Fiero is a Ferrari. Or,
much more importantly, that the triune God (Jesus, God, Holy Spirit) isn’t maker
and Lord of this Earth.

That being said, I do have concern that I’m the weird person
at the car show with my fake Lotus 7.  I
can say, without doubt, that my car will never be a Lotus, even though it looks
like one.  Maybe this train of thought is
why so many people treat my Lotus with odd distrust.  You should hear the comments.  Just yesterday some guy monologued/yelled to

“Is this like a Lotus 7?… it looks like a Lotus 7 but then
it doesn’t at all… so is it kinda like a Lotus 7, because it’s definitely not a
Lotus 7”.

I couldn’t even think of what to respond.  He hadn’t said “Hello” or anything
first.  I was sitting in my car, with it
running, with a helmet on, waiting for my turn to autocross.  I gave a thumbs up and yelled, “You’re right
man”… and that was it.

So, on the car front, what have I been up to?

Well, I tried to get the MGA all setup for rainy Oregon
driving.  The convertible top went on
nicely.  I figured out how to get the
plastic side windows in. I installed the wipers.  I cleaned up the wiper motor.  I spent two hours installing the (expletive)
wiper motor.

Then I tried to turn on the wiper motor and I saw a puff of
smoke come up from under the hood in the general vicinity of the wiper motor.

I guess it’s fair weather driving for me, for now. But, I
will get the wipers working.

A lack of wipers is concerning, because it may be raining on
my way to protest Oregon’s nutty abortion legislation.  Yes, great-grandchild, I did know that abortion
was horrific and wrong and I publicly denounced it (an example here) and
donated monthly money to organizations standing against it.

Why didn’t I do more? 
I don’t know… I ask myself that often.

So, has it rained on the MGA?  Well, not yet.  Since about the day the wiper motor smoked
itself as an homage to British electronics, it hasn’t rained.  For some reason, God has decided that this is
a dry year.  So, while I’m not ready, no
rain has come.

And yes, great-grandchild, I knew that there is a God.  And I knew that Jesus is King.  And will always be.

Speaking of people that love Jesus, my kiddos love riding
around in the MGA.  It’s a comfortable,
fun, and nice car to cruise listening to 1950’s music.  It’s like stepping back in time, to a simpler
time.  A time before 2020, when extremely
overweight people gave me the evil eye for not wearing a mask while they stood
in line outside at the ice cream shop (true story).

Great-grandchild, 2020 was a crock of lies.  And it was much more devious than history
will probably record it.  Those that
didn’t go along with the lies were fired from Police, Military, etc..  I hope that someday people will see it as a
clearance of undesirables, similar to the Scottish land clearances. 

2020 was used as a convenient excuse to get conservatives
out of authority positions, while the leaders espoused a “great reset”.  Never believe the simple explanation of what
2020 was.  Our family had friends that
had to move because they were fired from their job for refusing to go along
with the popular opinion (and that’s all it was, at best).

Back to cars.

Now that the MGA is built, we have two fun cars in our
garage.  The Lotus is not as comfortable
as the MGA.  Maybe I should have built it
with more than 2” of suspension in the rear. 

I took the Lotus out to the dragstrip; not because I thought
it’d do well, but simply because I was curious how fast it might go, and
thought it might be fun.

Press Play To See Me Get Whipped

For the quarter mile, it ran low 16 seconds at about 83
m.p.h..  I could probably get it into the
15s if everything went just right. 
Sounds slow right?

Well, because it’s such a wonky car, it was still fun.  Peter Egan once wrote an article stating that
the feeling of speed is much different than measuring m.p.h..  He was right. 
16 seconds in a janky car that I welded together feels exciting and
slightly scary.

The Locost received a compliment at the dragstrip that took
me a moment to realize. When I went into the pits some guy said, “Hello
leadfoot! You just keep going and going. That must be a pretty reliable little

There weren’t many people there that night, and I had just
been circling around and going down the dragstrip again. I launched that car nearing
ten times and nothing broke.  Cleaning
the car the next day I found a loose screw on the windshield mounts.

Then, the following weekend I took the car out to the local
autocross.  And it didn’t break again!  I’m liking this reliability.

Press Play to See Me Slide on Skinny Tires

Actually, mark the date, because all seven of my registered
vehicles could be driven right this moment. 
Sounds funny, but that’s a rare occurrence (the truck, the family SUV,
my commuter, the MGA, the Locost, the SV650 and the XR400).

That reminds me of something else I’d tell my great-grandchild.

Cars/motorcycles break all the frickin time.  They will not fulfill the God-sized hole in
your heart.

But, we have great driving roads just behind our home, a
dragstrip 20 minutes away, several near(ish) road courses, a fun local Saturday
morning car gathering, a local hill climb race (which I’m hoping to try this
year) and several local autocross clubs; so, cars are a fun fit for here and
now, in my life.

But if I had downhill mountain biking trails behind my
house, I’d probably do that instead.  But
that’s hours away from here, unfortunately. 
The last two weekends I’ve dropped my mountain bike into some remarkable
downhill trails and had more adrenalin flowing than the car stuff ever gives me.
Plus, when I’m mountain biking I’m riding I’m in the middle of God’s creation
and I get the bonus of some physical exercise. 
Not saying mountain biking is better than cars, but I want you to know
that cars are not my life blood, they’re just a convenient and fun hobby for
where we live now.

And, back on the topic of freedom of speech, know that I am
getting government attention.  Here’s a
recent snapshot of the Department of Homeland Security checking my online
resume.  We shall see what the future
brings for America.

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